Keeper of the Key

Usually, by the time my little Queen B and I headed upstairs to our bedroom for her afternoon nap, J will be fast asleep. He works the night shift so his daytime becomes his nighttime. But one afternoon, I discover him to be still awake and crying. 

He was reading a book I recently purchased entitled Raising a Modern-Day Princess by Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna. Since I was still finishing another book, I still haven't read a page of that book. J said that the father and daughter stories in the book touched him so much. One, in particular, inspired him and later on me to practice our little Queen B on how to answer a certain question. It's the story of Dr. Dave Currie of Doing Family Right and his daughters. 

One day, Dr. Dave's daughter Jody came home and tell her father that she likes a certain boy. Dave then said to her, "Honey, when you are much older, there will be a day when you will want to give your heart to a man. He will have to be really special, and you will need to feel confident that he is the one God wants you to marry. Until then, I will keep your heart. I will keep it safe."

Dave's wife Donalyn then made a heart that hung in their home and on it hung two gold keys too, one for each daughter. Every now and then, Dave will ask her daughters "And who has the key to your heart" and his daughters will reply "You do, Daddy". He would then explain to them that as their daddy, he has their best interests at heart, that he had to make decisions and choices for them, and that he will guide them on the very best path for them. He would also say "God has called me to do this because God and Daddy love both of you, little girls, very much."

Until one day, Jody asked for her heart as she had fallen in love with a wonderful guy, Chris. Dave agreed, prayed, and release her heart. On the day of their wedding, Dave asked one last time "Who has the key to your heart?" This time the answer was different. Dave, later on, sang a song he had composed for that occasion, The Transfer of the Sacred Trust

As man to man, we stand here today, 
though the time is right, I won't give her away.
Yet you are my answer to the prayer for God's plan
Please listen close, Son, as I give you her hand. 

God gave me a trust as head of my home
To look after my family, to protect through life's storm,
To comfort and build these put in my care
And cover them daily with a fatherly prayer....that's why

I won't let her go, but I will let you start. 
To treasure her most, you must carry her heart. 
I'll still be her dad, but relinquish I must, 
It's the transfer of the sacred trust, 
The transfer of the sacred trust. 

There comes a day in every girl's life
About leaving and cleaving, 'bout becoming a wife,
I've protected her heart from other men
The depth of this moment, please understand. 

God gives you this trust now as head of your home
To look after my daughter, to protect through life's storm, 
Your love dare not waver as you carry her heart
Please hold her real close as I did from the see

I won't let her go, but I will let you start. 
To treasure her most, you must carry her heart. 
I'll still be her dad, but relinquish I must, 
It's the transfer of the sacred trust, 
It's the transfer of the sacred trust, 
I transfer now my sacred trust. 

Dave then gave to his son-in-law the golden key that had hung in their home. 

When I read that portion of the book, I can't help but be extremely happy for my little Queen B. She is so blessed to have J as her daddy. I know like Dave, J will do his best to provide for her needs and guide her to become the person God intends her to be. 

Nowadays, we ask our little Queen B four questions:

First, what is your name? She will then say her complete name though her pronunciation is still wanting. 

Second, how old are you? In which she'll immediately say "2". We're still practicing the "years old" part. 

Third, who holds the key to your heart? She'll shout "Daddy!"

And lastly, who loves you very, very much? She'll answer in the barest of whisper "Mommy". Of course, I can't be outdone! I'm still working on making her shout it just like she says "Daddy" during the third question. 

To the best Daddy my little Queen B could ask for:

Happy Father's Day! 
Thank you for your love, patience, 
and sacrifices for our darling baby. 
We love you very, very, very much!

And to our little Queen B:

Please wait for that Godly man before you ask for the key to your heart. 




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