
verb | in×spire |

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, it means to make someone want to do something or to give someone an idea about what to do or create. I believe that we do the things we do because we are inspired. A student studies hard because he is inspired by his parent’s hard work. An artist paints because he is inspired by nature. A guy betters himself because he is inspired by the girl he loves. As for me, I am inspired by my baby.

I have imagined myself as a girlfriend. I may have my faults but I think I have been a great girlfriend because I am now a wife for three years. I have imagined myself as a wife. I may have my imperfections but through open communication, mutual respect, and God being the center of our relationship, J and I lasted this long. (Hey, three years of marriage is long in this day and age!) Believe it or not, I never imagined myself as a mother.

J and I
I’m not really a person who likes kids. When there is a baby or a child, yes I can play with them maybe for 15 minutes to a maximum of an hour depending on how well they behave or if they already have poop in their pants. Seriously, how do you talk to someone who doesn’t really understand you? How can you like someone who you have to change their diapers every now and then?

Motherhood, indeed, transforms you! Even when she was still inside my womb, I love talking to my little Queen B. I know she doesn’t really understand what I’m saying but a kick or a poke from her is all I need as a response. I still don’t look forward to changing her diapers especially if there is poop in it (if J is awake, I let him do it) but it is no longer that tedious task I thought it was. It is like discovering a whole new person inside of you.

my inspiration, my little Queen B!

Through this blog, I want to chronicle how this precious gift from God inspires me to be the best person I can be. So please join me as I go through this exciting, mind opening, sometimes tiring, even mysterious but always full of love journey. #xoxo


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