Counting My Blessings (Part 2)

Last month is challenging for us as we battle with sickness. We are still not fully healed (especially our little Queen B) but with prayers and continuous measures to gain back our good health, hopefully, one of these days, I can say we have fully recovered. Last month is also difficult for us because Papa Nitong, J’s Papa, got hospitalized due to infection. It is unfortunate that we can’t help financially as much as we want to when funds are needed to cover all the expenses incurred. Truly, the previous weeks have been problematic.

But, in the midst of all these challenges, our family have also received a lot of blessings in various forms. I must confess that the habit of counting blessings more than my problems is a trait I needed to work on. I still tend to concentrate on the “bad” things than on the good. So in this post I would like to count the blessings our family was graciously given lately. 

Here is the second part of my post about Counting Blessings. (Click here for part 1 of this post.)

Finally, I Found My Rings

J and I have already accepted the fact that I have lost my rings; both engagement and wedding rings months ago. I have always been uncomfortable with prolonged wearing of any jewelry items. I remove even the tiniest earring when I go to sleep. I rarely wear necklaces as I feel I’m being suffocated. I used to wear a watch in my right arm but trained myself to wear it in the left so I won’t have to remove it when writing. Expectedly, I have lost several (a lot, actually) jewelry items over the years. I even lost my Mama’s wedding ring when she gave it to me. I guess this is why I never invested on jewelry.

Still, I took extra care of my engagement and wedding rings as they have more sentimental value and pricier than any other piece of jewelry I have worn. But unfortunately, I still lost them last summer. I really thought I placed it inside my bag while waiting in line for my turn at the Police Clearance Office. I have to get a police clearance as a requirement for fiscal’s clearance which in turn is one of the many needed documents for my last pay to be released.

We turned the bag inside out, upside down but there are no signs of my rings. I checked the pieces of clothing I have worn on the day I assumed I lost my rings but they are not there. I even checked the washing machine thinking they might have fallen in there but again they are not there. J was so disappointed in me and it took months for him not to bring up the topic of my lost rings on our conversations whether in jest or in all seriousness. 

Then last September 3, I was choosing a blouse to wear for our usual weekend family date. I have already laid out a long sleeves shirt I borrowed/stole from J when I checked out a dress shirt I have not worn in quite a while. When I straighten it out of its fold I heard something metallic fell on the floor. I was surprised to see my engagement ring! I examined the shirt. I checked out the pockets. No wedding ring. The sleeves of the dress shirt is still folded so I decided to look for my wedding ring in there and behold, it is in there! Finally, after months of thinking I have lost it forever I have found my rings. I immediately woke up J who thought he was dreaming when I told him I found my rings. It was only hours later that he fully grasped what I woke him up for.

Reunited with my rings and it feels so good!

Our wedding rings symbolized the vow we have taken 4 years ago. It is a vow to love, respect, and be there for each other in whatever situation we are in. Of course, the rings will not make us keep our promises. It is only our faith in God that makes us honor the vows we have made despite various challenges in our married life but it is wonderful to have that reminder in my finger back again.

Assurance I’m Doing Things Right

Despite my preparations and continuous search for parenting tips, there are still a lot of times I doubted my capability to be a good parent. Since our little Queen B was feeling unwell for a while plus her teething episodes, her extreme clinginess has become irritating. For nights, she wakes up several times (almost hourly) to nurse therefore disrupting my sleep. When she is awake, I can’t leave her side or else a crying fit will begin. I have to bring her with me EVERYWHERE. It is tiring and I find myself disliking her desire to be near me 24/7.

Thankfully, J reminded me that our little Queen B’s clinginess at a time she is hurting is a result of me providing her a safe haven with me. She is so secure with me that she knows she can let go of her feelings

I am my little Queen B's person! I promise to love you forever, like you for always, for as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.  

I also came across this artwork by Claudia Tremblay with a very timely observation from Dr. Andrew Dodge.

I know I will face more challenges as a parent. I am just in the beginning of my journey with Georgina. It is my hope and prayers that I will always remember to act in love when dealing with my daughter.

J’s Promotion at Work

Last month, a higher position at J’s work opens up. He applied and last week we found that he got the position. Indeed, God is faithful!

Saturdate with friends as we celebrate J's promotion. 
We took the opportunity to take a picture of our little Queen B on Folded & Hung's set-up as they launched their Disney collection.  Can't help but be reminded of Blair Waldorf, the original Queen B, in this photo of our baby. 
And she also met a new friend. 

There are more things and happenings I am very grateful for. Every day I woke up with my little Queen B beside me is an amazing blessing I can’t thank God enough. We are also very appreciative of our Lord’s continuous provisions for our needs and even some of our wants.

Our little Queen B is blessed to have a very hands-on Daddy. 

Blessed to be together. 
But I also realized that problems can also be blessings in disguise. Through these challenges and difficulties in life, the Lord strengthens our characters. I admit I am an impatient person but life with my little Queen B and J taught me that patience is indeed a virtue. Of course, I am still a work in progress.

How about you? What are the blessings you have received lately? Make your own list and I promise you’ll realize that life with thankfulness in our hearts is beautiful!



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