Goals and Aspirations as I Turn 33

Happy Birthday to me!

The past 32 years have not been perfect. I am not perfect. I have made countless mistakes and errors in judgment in my life, some I have paid for dearly. I have dreams and opportunities I let go or even forget intentionally. I have hurt people, even those I love. I have let situations and even some people control my behaviour and actions. But there is no use in wallowing over those things. The best thing to do is learn from it and change for the better.

As I turn a year older, I want to be more intentional in directing the course of my life so even though the new year is still months away I have made a list of resolutions. Here are my 12 Goals for the next 12 months of my life:

1. Be physically active and have a healthy diet.

Earlier, I read with actions The Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton to my little Queen B. Halfway through the book, I was already panting. Definitely, I need to improve my health condition. So it is time to wear my rubber shoes again and start exercising. I also need to be more mindful of my diet.

2. Learn how to sew.

I have always dreamed of making dresses for my little Queen B. So far I have only made her an apron which is not even sewn properly as J had pointed out (He is actually better at sewing than me). I also placed the sash incorrectly. I really would like to learn this skill.

3. Be someone who empowers others.

It is easy to judge other people. In social media, it is common to read statuses and comments that shame others. Our sinful nature wants others to fail so we could raise ourselves. I know that with God’s strength and guidance, I can be someone who empowers others and not belittle them. As long as what they are doing is in accordance with God’s commandments, I will encourage and support others.

4. Have plants flourish under my care.

When J and I first moved in to our house, I bought several herbs and ornamental plants to place in our garden.  I also planted some vegetables. Unfortunately, only the lemon tree had survived. In my defense, pests had destroyed those plants. Weeks ago, Georgina and I planted some chilli seeds and they have already sprouted. I really would like them to grow and bear their fruits even though we are not into spicy food. We do like chili leaves, though. I also would like to have my dream herb garden become a reality.

5. Find more time to reflect and write.

Growing up, I kept a diary. You see I’m an introvert. It is in my nature to continually process my thoughts and feelings and my writing helps me do that. Writing also let me express my views and opinions that I have a hard time doing while in a conversation. During my high school years, writing is also my way of showing my creativity as I write poems and short stories. It is still a dream of mine to write a novel. I am glad that a lot of people have found my posts inspiring which is what this blog is all about.  

6. Serve in church again.

J and I were ushers in church. It is fulfilling to serve God in that small capacity. As we become new parents, we decided to let go of our weekly ushering duty. I would love to volunteer again in church. I know I have to start small as Georgina still requires a lot of attention.

7. Make new friends and connect more meaningfully with those I already have.

Unlike J who just clicks with almost everybody, it is very difficult for me to make new friends. My experience with some “friends” before has made me wary of opening up to other people. One of the things I am thankful to J for is he helped me overcome this fear of being hurt by others. I have made a lot of headway in this aspect but I know there is still a big room for improvement. Of course, old friends must be cherished so it is my goal to make that extra effort to have a more meaningful and stronger relationship with them.

8. Be a positive influence and inspiration to others.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that my previous post about totschooling my little Queen B had garnered page views equivalent to my usual monthly number. Some had even reached out to me because of it. As I have mentioned in the post, I believe that my homeschooling Georgina is a calling. It is not to make me a better parent than others. I’m not aiming for any best parent award. I am doing what I believe is the best for my child. I am thankful that fellow parents are positively influenced by it and find my activities with my little Queen B inspiring. 

9. Improve as an educator.

I am just in the beginning of my homeschooling journey with my little Queen B. So far, it had been relatively easy but I’m aware that it will not always be the case. There will be lessons that will be hard to teach and some she will have difficulty in learning. I believe I have a duty to continually improve my knowledge and skills in educating not only my little Queen B but other students as well as I hope to return inside the classroom someday. I want to finish my masteral degree and even take up a doctoral degree so I know it is high time to take the steps toward those aspirations. 

10. Become a more patient and loving mom.

We are nearing the so-called “terrible twos” stage with our little Queen B. She asserts her independence in almost everything. I need to further extend my patience when dealing with her. More than ever, I need to let my love for her rule my behaviour and actions towards her. 

11. Be a better wife to J.

Ever since becoming a mom, I must admit that most of my time is dedicated to taking care of our little Queen B. I know that I have been neglectful of my wifely duties. These past days J is suffering from toothache as his wisdom teeth are coming out. Instead of being understanding I was impatient and angry of the inconvenience his pain has caused me. I am truly sorry. I must remember that I am a wife first before becoming a mother.

11. Grow more spiritually and take an active role in discipleship.

In last Sunday’s sermon, our pastor preach to us that a healthy church have members who grow spiritually and is able to share the Gospel. The Lord had blessed me so much and I know that nothing I can do can ever repay what He had done for me. He had only asked me to develop an intimate relationship with Him by studying His Word and to keep his commandments, most especially the great commission. It is my pleasure to let Him be the center of my life.

I am now 33 years old. As C.S. Lewis have said, “You are never too old to set another goal or to a dream a new dream”. I know that there are more things in store for me. I know that I’m capable of more things. I just have to believe that I can and will achieve those aspirations with the grace of God.



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