Do Not Worry

Like so many mothers out there, I am filled with worries. On our first check-up at the obstetrician, I was worried that I might have an ectopic pregnancy. On our second check-up, I was worried that no heartbeat would be heard. On our Congenital Abnormality Scan (CAS), I was worried that a genetic defect might be found. Even when I was already holding my baby in my arms, worries continue to creep up on me. Is she getting enough milk? Is that color of poop normal? Is that amount of food enough? Is she still breathing? Oh, the list seems endless!

I have spent countless nights watching over her, worried some harm may happen, never realizing that the best Father of all is keeping watch of all His children, including me. 

To worry is defined as to continually think about problems or fears that might happen. A lot of us, me included, would say that worrying is normal; that it is part of human nature. We worry because we are unsure of what the future may bring. I am aware that constant worrying is not good but I have never thought that worrying have an effect on my relationship with God. Last Sunday’s preaching about God’s remedy for worry at our local church drastically changed my perception about worrying and I would like to share it to all of you.

In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus Christ told his disciples to “Do not worry”. We should not worry because

1. Worrying distorts our priorities – Instead of making God the center of our lives, because of our various worries in life, we neglect to give sufficient time to know and serve God. There was this period in my life that aside from my regular job as a college instructor, I was also tutoring Korean students. I have so many tutees that even my weekends were booked. Coming from a not so well-off family, I thought that having the financial ability to buy almost everything I wanted will make me happy and content. Instead, it only made me want to covet more. It is needless to say that God is almost non-existent in my life back then.

2. God cares about you more than the whole of Creation – As being made in the image of God, He cares for us more than we’ll ever fathom. He had given us the best gift in the world- the gift of salvation – so God can also give us our needs. Since J and I decided that I will stay at home to take care of our little Queen B full time, finances are not as bountiful as before. There were many instances that arguments arose between us because of it. Yet looking back, I can honestly say that our needs are ALWAYS met. There was always food in our table and we can pay off our housing and car loans. We can even help J’s father in his medical expenses and a cousin in his schooling. It was our wants that actually got affected but at the end of the day I wouldn’t trade that precious experience of being there for my little Queen B for a brand new dress or shoes.

3. Worrying doesn’t change anything in your situation – Worrying will not magically solve our problems. Instead excessive worrying causes our mind and body to go into overdrive as we constantly think about what might happen. It can even affect our daily life by interfering with our appetite, lifestyle habits, relationships, sleep, and job performance making our situation worse than before.

4. Worrying means you’ve stopped trusting God – Having Christ in our life doesn’t mean life will now be a bed of roses. On the contrary, some of us might find that life had become more difficult. When things become challenging, it is good to remind ourselves the story of Job. Despite experiencing tremendous hardships, Job continued to worship and bless the name of the Lord. Job showed to us the benefits of giving one’s complete trust to our Heavenly Father. J and I prayed for a baby and God gave us our little Queen B. I should have trusted Him more when it comes to her welfare instead of losing so much sleep over worrying.

5. Worrying about the future is useless because the present demands your full attention – It doesn’t mean that we should not prepare for the future. Actually, God wanted us to be prepared for our future; our future with Him. In Matthew 6:19-20, Jesus said “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” J and I would like another child (hopefully, a boy) but sometimes we worry if we can afford it. Well, worrying about a still non-existent child is useless as we have a beautiful child who needs our attention and love. If God will bless us with another child, He can also bless us the resources we’ll need.

However, we are not given an excuse to be lazy. The Bible repeatedly reminds us that we should work diligently. There is nothing wrong in being prepared for the future, and in taking precautions in case of emergencies or disasters. But it should not take so much of our time that we forget God.

So what is God’s remedy for worry? First, we should Seek Him- through Jesus Christ- above everything else. He should be the center of our life; above our spouse, children, or any material thing in the earth. Ever since I had become more mindful of my time with the Lord, I notice a peace in me that I had never felt before. Whenever the desire for material things sneaks in, I count all my blessings and this makes me realize how much God loves me.

Second, we should Seek the Giver and the gifts will follow. J and I experienced a financial set back at the beginning of this year. There were a couple of Sundays that letting go of our gracious giving for the church is not easy but we still did. God, in all His faithfulness, blessed us to get through from that set back. Actually, right after last Sunday’s church service we met up with our little Queen B’s Ninong Mandy who gave us gifts. And just this week, J had been given the good news of a promotion at work. Indeed, God is faithful!

Challenges will continue to come our way but there is no problem too great for God. Worrying won’t stop anything bad from happening; it just hinders us from enjoying and being grateful for the good. So be prepared, take precautions, pray for it, and trust Him.



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