Inspired and Intentional

Today I am celebrating my 34th birthday. Happy Birthday to me!

I don’t know how many of you can relate to me in this. During my much younger years, birthdays brought so much promise of the future. As a young child, growing older means I can and will now be allowed to do things I wasn’t before. I remember turning 13, I was so excited to be called a teenager and no longer a child. Becoming 18, I am so excited to be considered as a legal adult with all of its rights. And as I turned 20 and was already working, I remember being so proud of my new found financial freedom. Back then, as I grow older I am excited about the prospects of what my new age will bring; new rights, new abilities, and so much more.

But when I entered my thirties, birthdays became bittersweet. Yes, there are still the feelings of happiness and excitement but along with those emotions came regrets and insecurities. The life I have now is so different to the one I envisioned 14 years ago when I was a new graduate. I envisioned myself to be a Ph.D. graduate by now, a department head or even a dean of a college with several pieces of research about enhancing the educational system of the Philippines in my belt. If I look at my life now based on those visions then I could say I’m a total failure.

I haven’t finished my master's degree (I still have yet to take my comprehensive exam and do my research.). I have not gotten even close to being considered as a department head, much less a dean. And right now, I’m a stay-at-home mom who is wholly dependent on my husband to provide all my material needs.  

Blessedly, thankfully, I have learned not to look at my life through the lens of our competitive and vicious world but through the eyes of our loving, merciful, faithful, and just awesome God. My life is still not perfect. I am not perfect, every day I struggle with my imperfections but I have hope, peace, and joy in our Heavenly Father.

Last September 30, I was blessed with the privilege of talking about one of the women of the Bible in our local church's monthly ladies fellowship. I chose an unnamed woman in the Bible. She is not of royal blood. She is not a leader like Deborah. She didn’t save her people like Esther. She is an ordinary woman like most of us. And yet God chose to immortalize her story. She is the Shunammite Woman. 

Like the ideal Proverbs 31 woman, I believe this great woman is unnamed because God wants us to focus not on her background, her accomplishments, the people she is related to, or in short her credentials but on her Christ-like characteristics. Like the topic in our church service a couple of Sundays ago, I believe God wants us to always place more priority in our character than our credentials and this woman exhibits so many characteristics every Christian woman (and man) should aspire to be known for. 

As I learn more about this woman and her wonderful story, I can't help but reflect on my life. The previous year is full of challenges for me as a Christian. This year I really struggle in finding and accepting my identity in Christ. But God has been so compassionate and patient with me. I believe He was and will always be with me throughout everything. He had provided many opportunities for me to pursue spiritual growth and maturity this year, most especially in the past several months. The fight is still far from over. I believe I am just in the beginning of this worthwhile journey. 

Several weeks ago, our growth group leader advised me to use my blog and skills in writing in making Christ known. Back then, I feel so unqualified to do so. I feel my knowledge about Him is insufficient. But my research about the Shunammite Woman reminded me the best way I learn which is to write or talk about that topic. The more I read and study with a goal to explain it to others is what made me master my topics in all 11 years of my teaching career. 

In line with this revelation, I have decided to rename my blog. I will still be sharing my insights about motherhood, my homeschooling journey with my little Queen B, my family's adventures, even my recipes and food finds, but I also want this blog to inspire everyone to live a more intentional life into becoming more Christ-like.  And it is my hope and prayer that you will continue to join me in this pursuit of an Inspired and Intentional Living.

To God be the glory forever and ever. - Galatians 1:5




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