Little Queen B's 6th Month Birthday Celebration

Our little Queen B is now six months old which you probably know by now since I had been mentioning it for a few posts now. I can’t believe that half a year had already passed since I officially became a mom.

It seems like it was just yesterday when I can’t sleep or even move actually after my emergency CS. I just want to make sure I am awake and will be able to hear my baby’s cry for milk so I can immediately have her latched on me. Gone are the days of holding her in a burping position for 30 minutes after every feeding. No more 10-12 diaper changes a day. Wondering if she can see me is a thing of the past. Nowadays, if ever she wakes up for a middle of the night time feeding (she rarely does but this is what I do at her early morning feeding) I just offer a breast and fall asleep again. We are now down to 5-6 diaper changes a day but since we are cloth diapering the number can be less if using a disposable. Her eyes will immediately zeroed in on me when I go back to our room after leaving her with J so I can do other things. Yes, a lot of things had changed in the last six months.

My 1 week old Georgina

According to the book What to Expect the First Year, here are the milestones I can expect from my six month old Georgina:

What Our Little Queen B Can Do
Should be able to:
Keep head level with body when pulled to a sitting position
Say “ah-goo” or similar vowel-consonant combination

Check ☺

Check ☺
Will probably be able to:
Bear some weight on legs when held upright
Sit without support
Turn in the direction of a voice
Razz or make a wet razzing sound

Check ☺

Check ☺
Check ☺

Check ☺
Possibly be able to:
Stand holding on to someone or something
Object if you try to take a toy away
Work to get a toy that’s out of reach
Pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other
Look for dropped object
Feed self cracker or other finger food

Check ☺

Check ☺

Check ☺

Not yet

Not yet
Check ☺
Check ☺
May even be able to:
Creep or crawl
Pull up to a standing position from sitting
Get into a sitting position from stomach
Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger

Say “mama” or “dada” indiscriminately

Check ☺
Check ☺

Check ☺

We still haven’t try coz we’re afraid she’ll put it in her mouth immediately
Still waiting for this magical moment

Our little Queen B sitting without support

Georgina standing while holding on to the cabinet

That is a lot of milestones checked so a celebration is in order. Since Georgina’s 6th month birthday falls on a weekday and J still had to go to work, J and I decided to go to the nearby Nuvali for our simple celebration.
Mommy with the excited celebrant.
Upon arrival at Solenad 2 of Nuvali, our first order of business was to buy a cake for the celebrant. The only cake shop in Solenad 2 (not counting the coffee shops with their offerings of cakes and pastries) is Purple Oven. Last year, J surprised me with Sansrival cake from Purple Oven for my birthday. Honestly, that was my first ever Sansrival cake. I instantly fell in love with it that I think I might have eaten more than ¼ of the whole cake. Because of that great experience, J and I would like to try their other cakes too. We decided to try the Chocolate Campfire, a chocolate cake with toasted marshmallow frosting.

That night was like a re-enactment of my previous birthday because we also had our dinner at Gerry’s Grill. We even chose the same set menu which includes Pork Sinigang, Sizzling Pork Sisig, Sizzling Garlic Mushroom Chicken, Bangus Ala Pobre, Rice and Iced Tea for the family to share with just an additional order of Bagoong Rice. (Sorry for the not-so appetizing pictures of our food. The place is quite dim and I'm new into this taking pictures for a blog thing. Will do better next time.)
Bangus Ala Pobre

Pork Sinigang

Sizzling Pork Sisig

Sizzling Garlic Mushroom Kitchen

I am not really a fan of having Filipino dishes when dining out. Like what my favorite blogger Miss Jane of SugarGoSpice says and I will quote “Filipino food is Filipino food, no matter how they serve it. Bulalo is bulalo. Kare-kare is kare-kare.”. But Gerry’s Grill Nuvali has very good cooks that make it jam-packed even on a weekday.  Also, it is soooo hard to prepare and cook sisig at home (unless you’ll cook the canned or pre-packed ones) that I’d rather pay someone to do it for me. Gerry’s Grill Nuvali’s Sizzling Pork Sisig is one of the best J and I have ever tasted.
Dinner is better when we eat together!
After our delicious and easy-on-the-wallet meal, we head over to the nearby newly-opened Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for coffee and photo opportunity with our celebrant and her cake.
Our little Queen B and her Chocolate Campfire cake. I think she is amazed at how it looks. 
Since our little Queen B still can't blow the candles on her own cake, Mommy and Daddy did it for her. 

Curiosity got to our baby. She must touch that cake!

And she was able to get some frosting on her hands but sorry baby you still can't eat that. 
Georgina, you are just six months old. It will be years before you're allowed to read this. 

We had to leave by 8:00 PM because J had to be at work by 10:00 PM and his usual travel time is 2 hours.

Daddy and Georgina having a moment. 

Our celebration might be short and simple but our love for our little Queen B is great and everlasting.



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