Summer Bucket List

Finally, the summer season in the Philippines is on!

Growing up, I just love summer. The company my Papa worked for provides programs and classes for their employees’ kids during summer vacation. I spent one-month learning swimming. One summer I attended an art class where I learned how to do oil painting and charcoal drawing. Another, I learned how to prepare simple dishes in a cooking class. Aside from those fun classes, during summer we get to visit different beaches or resorts nearby. We also spent a couple of weeks vacationing at our cousins’ houses. And when I discovered the joy of reading, summer is my time to read to my heart’s content.

Even when I was already working, summer continued to be a special time for me because as a teacher, summer equates to a longer break at work. I have binge-watched a lot of shows during summer or read and re-read a lot of books.

Now as a mom, I want my little Queen B to also have wonderful experiences during summer. This year, I have listed fun and educational activities we can do together and today, I’m sharing it with you. So here is my Inspired and Intentional Summer Bucket List:

Summer is a great time for kids to do activities they normally don’t get to do especially if they are already attending school. It is the perfect period to attend sports, dance, music, and other classes. But I also believe that summer is the best time for kids to experience boredom and when they do that’s when their creativeness and imagination come out. They invent games and make stories. That’s when they think out of the box to entertain themselves. So don't forget to have days of boredom and be amazed at what your kids will do. 

So what are your plans with your kids this summer? Are they on the bucket list or not? Do share your ideas in the comment section below and let’s inspire each other.

Happy Summer!




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