Be Kind

We don't live in a posh subdivision. There is no clubhouse. Overgrown weeds have taken over the so-called playground which is also in badly need of repairs. I can list other complaints but despite all these shortcomings, we're still thankful because we're blessed with kind neighbors. 

A couple of months ago, the electricity line in our home malfunctioned just before dawn. One of our neighbors gladly checked it out for me as J was still at work. When I was still working, J and I barely have time to sweep the dried leaves that accumulate in front of our home. Our next-door neighbor whom we fondly call "Nanay" did it for us out of the goodness of her heart. She also keeps an eye on our home whenever we are out of town. 

Today, the world celebrates World Kindness Day. It is a day to commemorate the kindness each of us is capable of doing. It is a day to highlight the good deeds in our community. It is a day to be thankful for people who go out of their way to help and be of service to others. It is a day to remind everybody that being kind is always better than being right. As a parent, now more than ever, I realized how important being kind is. 

Ephesians 4: 32 reminds us, "Be kind to one another."  Our Almighty God has been very kind to us. He could have chosen to forsake us, even punish us but though we deserve His wrath, He chose to be kind. Because of His great love for us, He gave us His only son, our savior Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, I believe we should extend the kindness we have been shown to others whether they are fellow followers or not. 

Let me challenge everyone to do these random acts of kindness:
Honestly, that was just a small list. I believe all of us are capable of so much more acts of kindness. And more importantly, being kind is not only for today. Let's be kind every day of the year. 




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