Finally, I Finished Reading the Bible

The Word of God is like a piece of hot bread. It can burn you as it aligns your way to God's righteous and perfect Way. It can give you that much-needed comfort on a rainy day. It can satiate your hunger for wisdom, acceptance, forgiveness, and love. It can also bring joy as you savor its sweetness and beautiful promises. 

I have read a lot of books. I have even re-read my favorites more times than I can count. But today, I have finished reading the most important book of all. I have finally finished reading the whole Bible for the first time. For several years, I have tried to follow the Bible Reading Plan which our local church distributes at the start of every year.  Honestly, I didn't even get to finish the book of Genesis until this year. 

Reading the Bible in its entirety is a blessing. I'm thankful for the determination, patience, and will-power God had generously gave me to do this. I know it wasn't my own but His. I have learned a great deal through my first reading. I have realized God's unfailing faithfulness as He time and time again rescue and blessed the people of Israel despite their continuous rebellion and turning back to Him. I have encountered God's forgiveness and love when He sends His only son Jesus Christ to die so we will be saved from our sins. I have discovered that being Christ's disciple means truly dying to your old self and living to our identity with Him. Reading the Bible was an enlightening, correcting, rebuking, comforting, and thought-provoking experience. 

I'm looking forward to re-reading the Bible again, hopefully, this time going more in-depth. Please pray for me so I will achieve this goal. 

In closing, let me share one of my favorite verse with you.... 

In John 14: 1-3, Jesus promised,

"Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." (ESV) 

It's comforting and such a delight to know that a place is being prepared for us in heaven so one day we can be with our Lord and Savior. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


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