2018 Reading Challenge

Rule in buying a pocketbook: Must not cost more than a 100 Pesos (roughly 2 dollars)

I'm a self-confessed bookworm but I'm also a cheapskate when it comes to buying books. Well, before, it was a necessity as I can only buy books with my savings from my school allowance. As time passes by, it just becomes a habit that I find hard to break. I have found books with great and unforgettable stories for less than a 100 Pesos at second-hand bookstores so why should I pay more. So for almost 2 decades, that has been my rule when buying books I read for pleasure and I rarely break it (Back in college, the only time I broke it was when I bought a brand new copy of Anne Rice's The Mummy which I have been looking for a long time but can't find in Booksale)

It was only through friends who have bigger budgets than mine that I was able to read newly published books I would have to wait years to see in a second-hand bookstore. (Thank you, Jaimee for always lending me your Harry Potter books.)

Like any voracious reader, my taste for books has changed over the years. I have changed genre several times and I have also been more mindful of the quality of the storytelling. This is why for the last 5 or 6 years, I have bought way fewer books (for me, because I have been curating books for my little Queen B) than I did before. Most of the books that caught my interest are more than my 100 pesos a book budget. 

But last year, I made the conscious decision to finally purchase the books I have been eyeing for years but was out of my 100 pesos a book budget, though, I still bought them at a second-hand bookstore. And began a sort of renaissance in my reading journey. 
Books I have finished reading last year, 2017.
Not included are the ebooks on my Kindle, the Bible which I finally finished reading last year, too
and all the picture books I have read for my little Queen B.

So this year, I'm challenging the bookworm in me and you, too, my dear readers and fellow book addicts. This is not the ultimate 52 books or one-book-a-week challenge, I know my limitation. I could probably do that back when I was still not a mom (Unless I include picture books in the challenge then I'm doing more than 52 books a year). This challenge aims to expand our horizon when it comes to the genre of books we read. Hopefully, through this reading challenge, we'll discover new worlds to live in, new characters to fall in love with, and a part of ourselves we don't know exist. 

Are you ready? Presenting Inspired and Intentional Living's 2018 Reading Challenge...

So who's with me? I'm so excited to begin this challenge. I'm just finishing off 2 novels that I have begun reading last year but wasn't able to finish.

Do you already have specific books in mind for one of the categories? Do share it in the comments section below and let's have an amazing reading journey this 2018. 

Happy Reading!

Reading with you, 



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