Easter STEM Activities

STEM Education stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education. It is important as it is present everywhere in our daily lives. J and I are actually graduates of STEM courses and it is not unknown for us to sometimes talk about different scientific principles. As we want a holistic education for our little Queen B, our Easter-themed Activities won't be complete without some STEM activities. Let me share with you what we have done. 

Egg Stacking Challenge

The objective of this challenge is to build an Easter egg tower by stacking the Easter egg halves on top of one another. For this activity, you will only need plastic eggs. If you have two kids or more, a ruler and a timer will also come in handy as you can turn it into a mini-competition to see who can build the tallest tower in a specific allotted time.  

Vanishing Egg Shell

Ever wonder how does the inside of an egg look like?For this activity, you will need a raw egg, white vinegar, and a glass jar with a lid. Place the egg inside the jar and then cover it with white vinegar. Cover the jar and leave overnight or more depending on the size of the egg. 

Eggshell is made up of calcium carbonate which reacts with the acetic acid from the vinegar to produce carbon dioxide which is seen as the bubbles in the mixture. 

Easter Slime

A month ago, my little Queen B and I tried to make slime as she had seen her Kuya Kyle's (my godson) video of making one. Sadly, that one failed so this week we tried once again. Sadly again, we failed as we have put too much liquid detergent but despite that, my little Queen B had fun during our little experiment. 

There are still so many Easter-themed STEM activities out there. Maybe we'll do more next year when my little Queen B is a little older. 





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